Kind: Terminator

Class: Vehicle

Type: System

Basic Vehicle


'Basic Vehicle' represents a complete operating vehicle. It includes the vehicle platform that interfaces with and hosts ITS electronics and all of the driver convenience and entertainment systems, and other non-ITS electronics on-board the vehicle. Interfaces represent both internal on-board interfaces between ITS equipment and other vehicle systems and other passive and active external interfaces or views of the vehicle that support vehicle/traffic monitoring and management. External interfaces may also represent equipment that is carried into the vehicle (e.g., a smartphone that is brought into the vehicle). Internal interfaces are often implemented through a vehicle databus, which is also included in this object. Note that 'Vehicle' represents the general functions and interfaces that are associated with personal automobiles as well as commercial vehicles, emergency vehicles, transit vehicles, and other specialized vehicles.

This physical object does not have any functionality defined in ARC-IT, as it exists outside the system functional boundary.

This physical object is included in the following Service Packages:


This physical object has the following security levels for the associated service packages.

Physical Object Security
Security Class Confidentiality Integrity Availability Service Package
Class 1 Not Applicable Low Low Advisory Radio
Class 1 Not Applicable Moderate Low Bluetooth Signature Monitoring
Class 1 Not Applicable Moderate Low Infrastructure-Based Traffic Surveillance
Class 1 Not Applicable Low Low Roadway Closure Management
Class 1 Not Applicable Low Low Traffic Information Dissemination
Class 1 Not Applicable Low Low Wide-Area Alert
Class 1 Not Applicable Low Low Work Zone Management

Interfaces Diagram

Interfaces diagram


Currently, there are no standards associated with the physical object itself though the interfaces may have standards associated with them. For standards related to interfaces, see the specific information flow triple pages.