< < PM04 : PM05 : PM06 > >

PM05: Parking Reservations

This service package manages parking reservations, allowing a traveler to reserve parking as part of the trip planning process. Parking reservations may be part of a trip plan provided by a Transportation Information Center (TIC) based on parking information provided by one or more parking facilities. The request may include preferences or special needs such as disabled parking space, oversize space, electric vehicle charging required, etc. This parking plan is provided to the traveler/driver, which includes the option to make a reservation if available. If the parking reservation is selected by the traveler/driver, then the TIC will negotiate the parking reservation with the parking facility and provide a confirmation to the traveler/driver.

Relevant Regions: Australia, Canada, European Union, and United States


Development Stage Roles and Relationships

Installation Stage Roles and Relationships

Operations and Maintenance Stage Roles and Relationships

Source Destination Role/Relationship
Light Vehicle OBE Maintainer Light Vehicle OBE Maintains
Light Vehicle OBE Manager Light Vehicle OBE Manages
Light Vehicle OBE Owner Light Vehicle OBE Maintainer System Maintenance Agreement
Light Vehicle OBE Owner Light Vehicle OBE Manager Operations Agreement
Light Vehicle OBE Owner Transportation Information Center Maintainer Maintenance Data Exchange Agreement
Light Vehicle OBE Owner Transportation Information Center Owner Expectation of Data Provision
Light Vehicle OBE Owner Transportation Information Center User Service Usage Agreement
Light Vehicle OBE Supplier Light Vehicle OBE Owner Warranty
Parking Management Center Maintainer Parking Management Center Maintains
Parking Management Center Manager Parking Management Center Manages
Parking Management Center Manager Parking Manager System Usage Agreement
Parking Management Center Owner Parking Management Center Maintainer System Maintenance Agreement
Parking Management Center Owner Parking Management Center Manager Operations Agreement
Parking Management Center Owner Transportation Information Center Maintainer Maintenance Data Exchange Agreement
Parking Management Center Owner Transportation Information Center Owner Information Exchange Agreement
Parking Management Center Owner Transportation Information Center User Service Usage Agreement
Parking Management Center Supplier Parking Management Center Owner Warranty
Parking Manager Parking Management Center Operates
Personal Information Device Maintainer Personal Information Device Maintains
Personal Information Device Manager Personal Information Device Manages
Personal Information Device Owner Personal Information Device Maintainer System Maintenance Agreement
Personal Information Device Owner Personal Information Device Manager Operations Agreement
Personal Information Device Owner Transportation Information Center Maintainer Maintenance Data Exchange Agreement
Personal Information Device Owner Transportation Information Center Owner Information Provision and Action Agreement
Personal Information Device Owner Transportation Information Center User Service Usage Agreement
Personal Information Device Supplier Personal Information Device Owner Warranty
Transportation Information Center Maintainer Transportation Information Center Maintains
Transportation Information Center Manager Transportation Information Center Manages
Transportation Information Center Owner Light Vehicle OBE Maintainer Maintenance Data Exchange Agreement
Transportation Information Center Owner Light Vehicle OBE Owner Information Provision Agreement
Transportation Information Center Owner Light Vehicle OBE User Service Usage Agreement
Transportation Information Center Owner Parking Management Center Maintainer Maintenance Data Exchange Agreement
Transportation Information Center Owner Parking Management Center Owner Information Exchange Agreement
Transportation Information Center Owner Parking Management Center User Service Usage Agreement
Transportation Information Center Owner Parking Manager Application Usage Agreement
Transportation Information Center Owner Personal Information Device Maintainer Maintenance Data Exchange Agreement
Transportation Information Center Owner Personal Information Device Owner Information Provision Agreement
Transportation Information Center Owner Personal Information Device User Service Usage Agreement
Transportation Information Center Owner Transportation Information Center Maintainer System Maintenance Agreement
Transportation Information Center Owner Transportation Information Center Manager Operations Agreement
Transportation Information Center Owner Traveler Support Equipment Maintainer Maintenance Data Exchange Agreement
Transportation Information Center Owner Traveler Support Equipment Owner Information Provision Agreement
Transportation Information Center Owner Traveler Support Equipment User Service Usage Agreement
Transportation Information Center Supplier Transportation Information Center Owner Warranty
Traveler Support Equipment Maintainer Traveler Support Equipment Maintains
Traveler Support Equipment Manager Traveler Support Equipment Manages
Traveler Support Equipment Owner Transportation Information Center Maintainer Maintenance Data Exchange Agreement
Traveler Support Equipment Owner Transportation Information Center Owner Information Exchange and Action Agreement
Traveler Support Equipment Owner Transportation Information Center User Service Usage Agreement
Traveler Support Equipment Owner Traveler Support Equipment Maintainer System Maintenance Agreement
Traveler Support Equipment Owner Traveler Support Equipment Manager Operations Agreement
Traveler Support Equipment Supplier Traveler Support Equipment Owner Warranty


This service package includes the following Functional View PSpecs:

Physical Object Functional Object PSpec Number PSpec Name
Light Vehicle OBE Light Vehicle Interactive Traveler Information Provide Driver Guidance Interface Get Light Vehicle Driver Personal Request Provide Light Vehicle Driver with Personal Travel Information Provide Light Vehicle Driver Information Interface
7.2.3 Provide Driver Parking Lot Payment Interface
7.2.5 Provide Payment Device Interface for Parking
7.5.1 Provide Vehicle Payment Device Interface
Light Vehicle Trip Planning and Route Guidance Determine In-Vehicle Guidance Method Provide Dynamic In-Vehicle Guidance Provide Autonomous In-Vehicle Guidance Provide Driver Guidance Interface Get Light Vehicle Driver Personal Request Provide Light Vehicle Driver with Personal Travel Information
Parking Management Center Parking Coordination Provide Parking Lot Static Data Provide Parking Manager Interface Manage Loading Zone Use Coordinate Other Parking Data Determine Dynamic Parking Lot State Manage Parking Lot Reservations
Personal Information Device Personal Interactive Traveler Information Determine Personal Portable Device Guidance Method Provide Personal Portable Device Dynamic Guidance Get Traveler Personal Request Provide Traveler with Personal Travel Information Provide Traveler Personal Interface Update Traveler Personal Display Map Data Provide Traveler Transit Services Interface Provide Personal Safety Messages Manage Traveler Personal Social Media Interface
7.5.3 Provide Personal Payment Device Interface Provide Road Use Charging Services Personal Interface
Personal Trip Planning and Route Guidance Determine Personal Portable Device Guidance Method Provide Personal Portable Device Dynamic Guidance Provide Personal Portable Device Autonomous Guidance Provide Personal Portable Device Guidance Interface Get Traveler Personal Request Provide Traveler with Personal Travel Information Provide Traveler Personal Interface Provide Traveler Transit Services Interface
7.5.3 Provide Personal Payment Device Interface
Transportation Information Center TIC Data Collection 6.2.1 Collect Misc Traveler Information
6.2.2 Collect Traffic Data
6.2.3 Collect Transit Operations Data
6.2.4 Collect Multimodal Data
6.2.5 Collect Situation and Sensor Data From Vehicles
6.2.6 Collect Emergency Traveler Data
6.5.4 Process Travel Services Provider Data Provide Route Segment Data for Other Areas
7.4.2 Collect Price Data for Traveler Information Use
TIC Travel Services Information and Reservation 6.2.1 Collect Misc Traveler Information
6.5.1 Provide Broadcast Data Interface
6.5.3 Register Travel Services Providers
6.5.4 Process Travel Services Provider Data Process Travel Services Provider Payments Process Traveler Trip and Other Services Payments
TIC Trip Planning 6.1.1 Provide Trip Planning Information to Traveler
6.1.2 Confirm Traveler's Trip Plan
6.1.3 Provide Operator Interface for Trip Planning Parameters
6.10 Manage Traveler Profiles
6.2.1 Collect Misc Traveler Information
6.2.2 Collect Traffic Data
6.5.4 Process Travel Services Provider Data
6.5.9 Provide Traveler Alert Interface
6.6.1 Provide Multimodal Route Selection Calculate Vehicle Route Provide Vehicle Route Calculation Data
6.6.3 Provide Operator Interface for Route Parameters
6.6.4 Select Transit Route
6.6.5 Select Other Routes
7.1.6 Distribute Advanced Charges and Fares
7.2.4 Distribute Advanced Tolls and Fares
7.3.2 Distribute Advanced Tolls and Parking Lot Charges Process Driver Map Update Payments Process Traveler Map Update Payments Process Traveler Trip and Other Services Payments
7.4.3 Route Traveler Advanced Payments
Traveler Support Equipment Traveler Trip Planning 6.3.1 Get Traveler Request
6.3.2 Inform Traveler
6.3.3 Provide Public Traveler Interface


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Includes Physical Objects:

Physical Object Class Description
Light Vehicle OBE Vehicle The 'Light Vehicle OBE' includes traveler-oriented capabilities that apply to passenger cars, trucks, and motorcycles that are used for personal travel. The rules vary by jurisdiction, but generally light vehicles are restricted in their weight and the maximum number of passengers they can carry. In ARC-IT, the Light Vehicle OBE represents vehicles that are operated as personal vehicles that are not part of a vehicle fleet and are not used commercially; thus, the choice between the various vehicle subsystems should be based more on how the vehicle is used than how much the vehicle weighs. See also the 'Vehicle' subsystem that includes the general safety and information services that apply to all types of vehicles, including light vehicles.
Parking Management Center Center The 'Parking Management Center' manages one or more parking lots by providing configuration and control of field infrastructure, user account management and interfaces with financial systems to manage payment. This p-object takes the back office portion of the Parking Management System's functionality as it was defined in ARC-IT 8.3 and prior.
Parking Manager Center 'Parking Manager' is the human operator that supports back office operations for one or more parking areas.
Personal Information Device Personal The 'Personal Information Device' provides the capability for travelers to receive formatted traveler information wherever they are. Capabilities include traveler information, trip planning, and route guidance. Frequently a smart phone, the Personal Information Device provides travelers with the capability to receive route planning and other personally focused transportation services from the infrastructure in the field, at home, at work, or while en-route. Personal Information Devices may operate independently or may be linked with vehicle on-board equipment. This subsystem also supports safety related services with the capability to broadcast safety messages and initiate a distress signal or request for help.
Transportation Information Center Center The 'Transportation Information Center' collects, processes, stores, and disseminates transportation information to system operators and the traveling public. The physical object can play several different roles in an integrated ITS. In one role, the TIC provides a data collection, fusing, and repackaging function, collecting information from transportation system operators and redistributing this information to other system operators in the region and other TICs. In this information redistribution role, the TIC provides a bridge between the various transportation systems that produce the information and the other TICs and their subscribers that use the information. The second role of a TIC is focused on delivery of traveler information to subscribers and the public at large. Information provided includes basic advisories, traffic and road conditions, transit schedule information, yellow pages information, ride matching information, and parking information. The TIC is commonly implemented as a website or a web-based application service, but it represents any traveler information distribution service.
Traveler Support Equipment Field 'Traveler Support Equipment' provides access to traveler information at transit stations, transit stops, other fixed sites along travel routes (e.g., rest stops, merchant locations), and major trip generation locations such as special event centers, hotels, office complexes, amusement parks, and theaters. Traveler information access points include kiosks and informational displays supporting varied levels of interaction and information access. At transit stops this might be simple displays providing schedule information and imminent arrival signals. This may be extended to include multi-modal information including traffic conditions and transit schedules to support mode and route selection at major trip generation sites. Personalized route planning and route guidance information can also be provided based on criteria supplied by the traveler. It also supports service enrollment and electronic payment of transit fares. In addition to the traveler information provision, it also enhances security in public areas by supporting traveler activated silent alarms.

Includes Functional Objects:

Functional Object Description Physical Object
Light Vehicle Interactive Traveler Information 'Light Vehicle Interactive Traveler Information' provides drivers with personalized traveler information including traffic and road conditions, transit information, maintenance and construction information, multimodal information, event information, and weather information. The provided information is tailored based on driver requests. Both one-time requests for information and on-going information streams based on a submitted traveler profile and preferences are supported. Light Vehicle OBE
Light Vehicle Trip Planning and Route Guidance 'Light Vehicle Trip Planning and Route Guidance' includes the in-vehicle system that coordinates with a traveler information center to provide a personalized trip plan to the driver. The trip plan is calculated by the Transportation Information Center (TIC) based on preferences and constraints supplied by the driver and provided to the driver for confirmation. Reservations and advanced payment may also be processed to confirm the trip plan. Coordination with the TIC may continue during the trip so that the route plan can be modified to account for new information. Many equipment configurations are possible including in-vehicle systems that provide a basic trip plan to the driver as well as more sophisticated systems that can provide turn by turn guidance to the driver along the route. Light Vehicle OBE
Parking Coordination 'Parking Coordination' supports communication and coordination between equipped parking facilities and also supports regional coordination between parking facilities and traffic management systems. Coordination with traffic management supports local traffic control coordination in and around the parking facility and broader regional coordination. It also shares information with transit management systems and information providers to support multimodal travel planning, including parking reservations capabilities. Information including current parking availability, system status, and operating strategies are shared to enable local parking facility management that supports regional transportation strategies. Parking Management Center
Personal Interactive Traveler Information 'Personal Interactive Traveler Information' provides traffic information, road conditions, transit information, yellow pages (traveler services) information, special event information, and other traveler information that is specifically tailored based on the traveler's request and/or previously submitted traveler profile information. It also supports interactive services that support enrollment, account management, and payments for transportation services. The interactive traveler information capability is provided by personal devices including personal computers and personal portable devices such as smart phones. Personal Information Device
Personal Trip Planning and Route Guidance 'Personal Trip Planning and Route Guidance' provides a personalized trip plan to the traveler. The trip plan is calculated based on preferences and constraints supplied by the traveler and provided to the traveler for confirmation. Coordination may continue during the trip so that the route plan can be modified to account for new information. Many equipment configurations are possible including systems that provide a basic trip plan to the traveler as well as more sophisticated systems that can provide transition by transition guidance to the traveler along a multi-modal route with transfers. Devices represented by this functional object include desktop computers at home, work, or at major trip generation sites, plus personal devices such as tablets and smart phones. Personal Information Device
TIC Data Collection 'TIC Data Collection' collects transportation-related data from other centers, performs data quality checks on the collected data and then consolidates, verifies, and refines the data and makes it available in a consistent format to applications that support operational data sharing between centers and deliver traveler information to end-users. A broad range of data is collected including traffic and road conditions, transit data, emergency information and advisories, weather data, special event information, traveler services, parking, multimodal data, and toll/pricing data. It also shares data with other transportation information centers. Transportation Information Center
TIC Travel Services Information and Reservation 'TIC Travel Services Information' disseminates information about traveler services such as lodging, restaurants, electric vehicle charging, and service stations. Tailored traveler service information is provided on request that meets the constraints and preferences specified by the traveler. This application also supports reservations and advanced payment for traveler services including parking and loading zone use. Transportation Information Center
TIC Trip Planning 'TIC Trip Planning' provides pre-trip and en route trip planning services for travelers. It receives origin, destination, constraints, and preferences and returns trip plan(s) that meet the supplied criteria. Trip plans may be based on current traffic and road conditions, transit schedule information, and other real-time traveler information. Candidate trip plans are multimodal and may include vehicle, transit, and alternate mode segments (e.g., rail, ferry, bicycle routes, and walkways) based on traveler preferences. It also confirms the trip plan for the traveler and supports reservations and advanced payment for portions of the trip. The trip plan includes specific routing information and instructions for each segment of the trip and may also include information and reservations for additional services (e.g., parking) along the route. Transportation Information Center
Traveler Trip Planning 'Traveler Trip Planning' provides a personalized trip plan to the traveler. The trip plan is calculated based on preferences and constraints supplied by the traveler and provided to the traveler for confirmation. It represents kiosks and other fixed public interactive displays that may be used by travelers in public areas. Traveler Support Equipment

Includes Information Flows:

Information Flow Description
parking information General parking information and status, including current parking availability, parking pricing, and parking space availability information, including features like number and type of electric charging spots.
parking manager input Input from the parking manager to query current status and control back office operations for a parking management system.
parking plan A tailored parking plan for a particular trip and traveler's vehicle. The plan identifies the parking facility and parking space information for the trip and includes the cost for parking.
parking reservation confirmation Confirmation for parking reservation.
parking reservation request Reservation request for parking including special requests and needs such as disabled space access, electric vehicle charging, etc.
parking status Presentation of information to the parking manager including operational status and transaction reports. This includes aggregated status for parking areas as well as status for back office operations.
traveler sourced updates Traveler posts on traffic and road conditions, parking availability, transit services, traveler services, shelter information, hazards, debris, obstacles, and other real-time crowd-sourced data that may be shared with other travelers.
trip confirmation Acknowledgement by the driver/traveler of acceptance of a trip plan with associated personal and payment information required to confirm reservations. Conversely, this flow may also reject the proposed trip plan. Confirmations include the selected route and subsequent trip confirmation messages will be issued for route changes.
trip plan A travel itinerary covering single or multimodal travel. The itinerary identifies a route and associated traveler information and instructions identifying recommended trip modes (including indoor and outdoor wayfinding) and transfer information, ride sharing options, and transit and parking reservation information. This flow also includes intermediate information that is provided as the trip plan is interactively created, including identification of alternatives, requests for additional information as well as amenities along the trip.
trip request Request for trip planning services that identifies the trip origin, destination(s), timing, preferences, and constraints. The request may also include the requestor's location or a request for transit and parking reservations, electric charging station access, and ridesharing options associated with the trip. The trip request also covers requests to revise a previously planned trip and interim updates that are provided as the trip is interactively planned.

Goals and Objectives

Associated Planning Factors and Goals

Planning Factor Goal
D. Increase the accessibility and mobility of people and for freight; Reduce congestion
F. Enhance the integration and connectivity of the transportation system, across and between modes, for people and freight; Enhance integration and connectivity
G. Promote efficient system management and operation; Improve efficiency

Associated Objective Categories

Objective Category
Special Event Management: Parking Management
Travel Demand Management: Parking Management

Associated Objectives and Performance Measures

Objective Performance Measure
Biannually increase preferred parking spaces for carpool/vanpool participants within downtown, at special events, and among major employers by X percent within Y years. Number of preferred parking spaces for carpool/vanpool participants.
Decrease the time spent clearing special event venue parking lots of vehicles by X percent in Y years following each event. Percent decrease in time to clear parking lots.
Enhance parking facility services and management Number of parking facilities with advanced parking information to customers
Enhance parking facility services and management Number of parking facilities with automated occupancy counting and space management
Enhance parking facility services and management Number of parking facilities with coordinated availability information
Enhance parking facility services and management Number of parking facilities with coordinated electronic payment systems
Enhance parking facility services and management Number of parking facilities with electronic fee collection
Enhance parking facility services and management Number parking facilities with electronic fee collection
Implement parking pricing for X communities every Y years. Number of communities with priced parking stalls.
Implement shared parking for X communities every Y years. Number of communities with shared parking.
Increase on-street parking restrictions on X percent of widely used routes during special events in Y years. Percent of routes widely used during planned special events with on-street parking restrictions.
Increase park-and-ride lot capacity by X percent over Y years. Capacity of park & ride lots.
Increase the number of residents/commuters receiving information on parking pricing and availability within Y years. Number of residents/commuters receiving information on parking pricing and availability.
Increase the number of special events that use shared parking facilities (e.g., parking lots of nearby businesses or organizations) by X percent in Y years. Number of special events that use shared parking facilities.
Increase the use of flexible pricing mechanisms near special event locations on X percent of parking spaces in Y years. Percent of parking spaces near special event locations that use flexible pricing mechanisms.
Install parking meters along X corridors by year Y in the urban core/transit supportive areas. Number of corridors in urban core/transit supportive areas with parking meters.

Since the mapping between objectives and service packages is not always straight-forward and often situation-dependent, these mappings should only be used as a starting point. Users should do their own analysis to identify the best service packages for their region.

Needs and Requirements

Need Functional Object Requirement
01 Travelers need to be able to plan for parking in conjunction with their overall trip planning. Light Vehicle Interactive Traveler Information 15 The vehicle shall receive information on available parking including available spaces with associated information about parking restrictions and location for each available space.
Light Vehicle Trip Planning and Route Guidance 05 The vehicle shall provide a mechanism for its user to create/modify a trip plan including selection of mode, route and parking.
Parking Coordination 05 The parking element shall distribute parking lot information upon request to traveler information providers to support travel planning.
06 The parking element shall support requests for parking reservations.
Personal Interactive Traveler Information 08 The personal traveler interface shall support payment for services, such as confirmed trip plans, tolls, transit fares, parking lot charges, map updates, and advanced payment for tolls.
10 The personal traveler interface shall base requests from the traveler on the traveler's current location or a specific location identified by the traveler, and filter the provided information accordingly.
11 The personal traveler interface shall support traveler input in audio or manual form.
12 The personal traveler interface shall present interactive information to the traveler in audible or visual forms consistent with a personal device, and suitable for travelers with hearing and vision physical disabilities.
13 The personal traveler interface shall store frequently requested or used data, including the traveler's identity, home and work locations, etc.
17 The personal traveler interface shall receive traveler information including traffic and road conditions, advisories, incidents, payment information, transit services, parking information, weather information, and other travel-related data updates and confirmations.
26 The personal device shall receive information on available parking including available spaces with associated information about parking restrictions and location for each available space.
Personal Trip Planning and Route Guidance 09 The personal traveler interface shall provide a mechanism for its user to create/modify a trip plan including selection of mode, route and parking.
TIC Data Collection 05 The center shall collect, process, and store parking information, including location, availability, and fees.
TIC Travel Services Information and Reservation 01 The center shall disseminate yellow pages information (such as lodging, restaurants, theaters, bicycle facilities, and other tourist activities) to travelers upon request.
02 The center shall support yellow pages service information and reservation requests from a vehicle.
10 The center shall support yellow pages service information and reservation requests from a kiosk.
11 The center shall support yellow pages service information and reservation requests from a personal device.
TIC Trip Planning 01 The center shall provide the capability to provide specific pre-trip and en route directions to travelers (and drivers), including costs, arrival times, and transfer points.
13 The center shall provide the capability for the traveler to confirm the proposed trip plan.
15 The center shall generate route plans to account for parking availability.
Traveler Trip Planning 08 The traveler support equipment shall provide a mechanism for its user to create/modify a trip plan including selection of mode, route and parking.
09 The traveler support equipment shall receive information on available parking including available spaces with associated information about parking restrictions and location for each available space.

Related Sources

Document Name Version Publication Date
ITS User Services Document 1/1/2005


In order to participate in this service package, each physical object should meet or exceed the following security levels.

Physical Object Security
Physical Object Confidentiality Integrity Availability Security Class
Light Vehicle OBE Moderate Moderate Moderate Class 2
Parking Management Center Moderate Moderate Moderate Class 2
Personal Information Device Moderate Moderate Moderate Class 2
Transportation Information Center Moderate Moderate Moderate Class 2
Traveler Support Equipment Moderate Moderate Moderate Class 2

In order to participate in this service package, each information flow triple should meet or exceed the following security levels.

Information Flow Security
Source Destination Information Flow Confidentiality Integrity Availability
Basis Basis Basis
Light Vehicle OBE Transportation Information Center traveler sourced updates Moderate Moderate Low
This is likely to include the traveler location and may include traveler identity as well. This PII could be used by an attacker to the detriment of the traveler. Quality of social media inputs may be highly variable, but no publicly distributable data should be exchanged without some protection over its transmission. While a widespread and widely used dissemination channel, social media tends to be cluttered with lots of other information, so it is not a primary dissemination channel for this information.
Light Vehicle OBE Transportation Information Center trip confirmation Moderate Moderate Moderate
Predictive of traveler location, includes traveler identity as well as payment information. A third party with hostile intent toward the traveler could use this information against the traveler. If this data is corrupted, the TIC may not understand the traveler's intent or may not receive correct payment information and not properly serve the traveler. This acknowledgement is part of the real-time feedback for car-pooling services. If this doesn't work, the car-pooling service doesn't work.
Light Vehicle OBE Transportation Information Center trip request Moderate Moderate Low
Predictive of traveler location, includes traveler identity. A third party with hostile intent toward the traveler could use this information against the traveler. If this data is corrupted, the TIC may not understand the traveler's intent and not properly serve the traveler. This flow initiates an carp-pooling service. If it doesn't work, the car-pooling service doesn't work.
Parking Management Center Parking Manager parking status Moderate High High
Backoffice operations flows should have minimal protection from casual viewing, as otherwise imposters could gain illicit control or information that should not be generally available. Backoffice operations flows should generally be correct and available as these are the primary interface between operators and system. Backoffice operations flows should generally be correct and available as these are the primary interface between operators and system.
Parking Management Center Transportation Information Center parking information Moderate Moderate Moderate
Does not include PII, but does include usage information for a managed facility that implies a number of vehicles. While this is observable information, it could be considered competitive, and regardless is accessible without being physically present, which is its own barrier. Generally transportation coordination information should be correct between source and destination, or inappropriate actions may be taken. Most likely not a frequently updated flow. Typically MODERATE for applications with a high degree of commercial vehicle parking, but could be LOW otherwise.
Parking Management Center Transportation Information Center parking reservation confirmation Moderate Moderate Moderate
Might not have direct PII, but may include a pseudonym. If unavailable, corrupted or modified, could lead to the lack of parking assignment, inconveniencing the parking requestor. If unavailable, corrupted or modified, could lead to the lack of parking assignment, inconveniencing the parking requestor.
Parking Manager Parking Management Center parking manager input Moderate High High
Backoffice operations flows should have minimal protection from casual viewing, as otherwise imposters could gain illicit control or information that should not be generally available. Backoffice operations flows should generally be correct and available as these are the primary interface between operators and system. Backoffice operations flows should generally be correct and available as these are the primary interface between operators and system.
Personal Information Device Transportation Information Center traveler sourced updates Moderate Moderate Low
This is likely to include the traveler location and may include traveler identity as well. This PII could be used by an attacker to the detriment of the traveler. If this information is not correct the end user of the TIC will likely find othe avenues for obtaining this information. If this interface is not available the traveler will likely find other means to acquire the necessary information.
Personal Information Device Transportation Information Center trip confirmation Moderate Moderate Moderate
Predictive of traveler location, includes traveler identity as well as payment information. A third party with hostile intent toward the traveler could use this information against the traveler. If this data is corrupted, the TIC may not understand the traveler's intent or may not receive correct payment information and not properly serve the traveler. This acknowledgement is part of the real-time feedback for car-pooling services. If this doesn't work, the car-pooling service doesn't work.
Personal Information Device Transportation Information Center trip request Moderate Moderate Moderate
Predictive of traveler location, includes traveler identity. A third party with hostile intent toward the traveler could use this information against the traveler. If this data is corrupted, the TIC may not understand the traveler's intent and not properly serve the traveler. This flow initiates an carp-pooling service. If it doesn't work, the car-pooling service doesn't work.
Transportation Information Center Light Vehicle OBE parking plan Moderate Moderate Moderate
Contains information dedicated to a particular user, so should be obfuscated to prevent determination of PII. May also incude payment information. The parking plan will affect the user's interaction with the parking system, and notably can include payment information. If any of this is incorrect, the traveler will be adversely affected. If this is hacked, a traveler may be able to use the system for free. This flow is critical to organized and pre-planned parking services. If the flow doesn't work, the application doesn't work.
Transportation Information Center Light Vehicle OBE trip plan Moderate Moderate Moderate
Contains information dedicated to a particular user, so should be obfuscated to prevent determination of PII. May also incude payment information. The trip plan will affect the user's interaction with the transit system, and notably can include payment information. If any of this is incorrect, the traveler will be adversely affected. If this is hacked, a traveler may be able to use the system for free. This flow is part of a car-pooling service. If it doesn't work, the car-pooling service doesn't work.
Transportation Information Center Parking Management Center parking reservation request Moderate Moderate Moderate
Might not have direct PII, but may include a pseudonym. If unavailable, corrupted or modified, could lead to the lack of parking assignment, inconveniencing the parking requestor. If unavailable, corrupted or modified, could lead to the lack of parking assignment, inconveniencing the parking requestor.
Transportation Information Center Personal Information Device parking plan Moderate Moderate Moderate
Contains information dedicated to a particular user, so should be obfuscated to prevent determination of PII. May also incude payment information. The parking plan will affect the user's interaction with the parking system, and notably can include payment information. If any of this is incorrect, the traveler will be adversely affected. If this is hacked, a traveler may be able to use the system for free. This flow is critical to organized and pre-planned parking services. If the flow doesn't work, the application doesn't work.
Transportation Information Center Personal Information Device trip plan Moderate Moderate Moderate
Contains information dedicated to a particular user, so should be obfuscated to prevent determination of PII. May also incude payment information. The trip plan will affect the user's interaction with the transit system, and notably can include payment information. If any of this is incorrect, the traveler will be adversely affected. If this is hacked, a traveler may be able to use the system for free. This flow is part of a car-pooling service. If it doesn't work, the car-pooling service doesn't work.
Transportation Information Center Traveler Support Equipment parking plan Moderate Moderate Moderate
Contains information dedicated to a particular user, so should be obfuscated to prevent determination of PII. May also incude payment information. The parking plan will affect the user's interaction with the parking system, and notably can include payment information. If any of this is incorrect, the traveler will be adversely affected. If this is hacked, a traveler may be able to use the system for free. This flow is critical to organized and pre-planned parking services. If the flow doesn't work, the application doesn't work.
Transportation Information Center Traveler Support Equipment trip plan Moderate Moderate Moderate
Contains information dedicated to a particular user, so should be obfuscated to prevent determination of PII. May also incude payment information. The trip plan will affect the user's interaction with the transit system, and notably can include payment information. If any of this is incorrect, the traveler will be adversely affected. If this is hacked, a traveler may be able to use the system for free. This flow is part of a car-pooling service. If it doesn't work, the car-pooling service doesn't work.
Traveler Support Equipment Transportation Information Center trip confirmation Moderate Moderate Moderate
Predictive of traveler location, includes traveler identity as well as payment information. A third party with hostile intent toward the traveler could use this information against the traveler. If this data is corrupted, the TIC may not understand the traveler's intent or may not receive correct payment information and not properly serve the traveler. This acknowledgement is part of the real-time feedback for car-pooling services. If this doesn't work, the car-pooling service doesn't work.
Traveler Support Equipment Transportation Information Center trip request Moderate Moderate Low
Predictive of traveler location, includes traveler identity. A third party with hostile intent toward the traveler could use this information against the traveler. If this data is corrupted, the TIC may not understand the traveler's intent and not properly serve the traveler. This flow initiates an carp-pooling service. If it doesn't work, the car-pooling service doesn't work.


Currently, there are no standards associated with the physical objects in this service package. For standards related to interfaces, see the specific information flow triple pages.

System Requirements

System Requirement Need
001 The system shall distribute parking lot information upon request to traveler information providers to support travel planning. 01 Travelers need to be able to plan for parking in conjunction with their overall trip planning.
002 The system shall support requests for parking reservations. 01 Travelers need to be able to plan for parking in conjunction with their overall trip planning.
003 The system shall collect, process, and store parking information, including location, availability, and fees. 01 Travelers need to be able to plan for parking in conjunction with their overall trip planning.
004 The system shall disseminate yellow pages information (such as lodging, restaurants, theaters, bicycle facilities, and other tourist activities) to travelers upon request. 01 Travelers need to be able to plan for parking in conjunction with their overall trip planning.
005 The system shall support yellow pages service information and reservation requests from a vehicle. 01 Travelers need to be able to plan for parking in conjunction with their overall trip planning.
006 The system shall support yellow pages service information and reservation requests from a kiosk. 01 Travelers need to be able to plan for parking in conjunction with their overall trip planning.
007 The system shall support yellow pages service information and reservation requests from a personal device. 01 Travelers need to be able to plan for parking in conjunction with their overall trip planning.
008 The system shall provide the capability to provide specific pre-trip and en route directions to travelers (and drivers), including costs, arrival times, and transfer points. 01 Travelers need to be able to plan for parking in conjunction with their overall trip planning.
009 The system shall provide the capability for the traveler to confirm the proposed trip plan. 01 Travelers need to be able to plan for parking in conjunction with their overall trip planning.
010 The system shall generate route plans to account for parking availability. 01 Travelers need to be able to plan for parking in conjunction with their overall trip planning.
011 The system shall support payment for services, such as confirmed trip plans, tolls, transit fares, parking lot charges, map updates, and advanced payment for tolls. 01 Travelers need to be able to plan for parking in conjunction with their overall trip planning.
012 The system shall base requests from the traveler on the traveler's current location or a specific location identified by the traveler, and filter the provided information accordingly. 01 Travelers need to be able to plan for parking in conjunction with their overall trip planning.
013 The system shall present interactive information to the traveler in audible or visual forms consistent with a personal device, and suitable for travelers with hearing and vision physical disabilities. 01 Travelers need to be able to plan for parking in conjunction with their overall trip planning.
014 The system shall store frequently requested or used data, including the traveler's identity, home and work locations, etc. 01 Travelers need to be able to plan for parking in conjunction with their overall trip planning.
015 The system shall receive traveler information including traffic and road conditions, advisories, incidents, payment information, transit services, parking information, weather information, and other travel-related data updates and confirmations. 01 Travelers need to be able to plan for parking in conjunction with their overall trip planning.
016 The system shall provide a mechanism for its user to create/modify a trip plan including selection of mode, route and parking. 01 Travelers need to be able to plan for parking in conjunction with their overall trip planning.
017 The system shall receive information on available parking including available spaces with associated information about parking restrictions and location for each available space. 01 Travelers need to be able to plan for parking in conjunction with their overall trip planning.