6.2.6: Collect Emergency Traveler Data
This process shall collect and fuse emergency and incident information that will be used to create broadcast or interactive messages to travelers and other operations centers as well as support trip planning applications. Data quality checks shall be performed on all collected data. Upon receipt of traveler information alert subscriptions, this process shall output relevant incident alerts. This process shall collect emergency and incident information including evacuation data and wide area alert notifications from emergency management, traffic management, transit management, media, care facilities, and shelter providers. The process shall load the incoming data into the 'emergency_traveler_data' store. This process shall provide the media with incident information. This process shall exchange information with Other Traveler Information Centers to allow one center to act as a wholesaler and provide information to other centers. The process shall select the appropriate subset of data which will be sent to each ITS application or entity that is requesting data. The process shall provide all of the received information to the TIC Operator Interface process and receive the data collection parameters (to define exactly what data shall be retrieved as a result of each request) from the operator interface process.
This process is associated with the Transportation Information Center physical object.
This process is associated with the following functional objects:
This process is associated with the following data flows:
- emergency_traveler_data_collection_parameters
- fsp-shelter_information_to_travelers
- tm-incident_information
- traveler_information_restrictions_for_travelers
- incident_information_request_for_alerts
- incident_information_for_alerts
- ftsp-emergency_travel_service_update
- fcf-care_facility_status
- deactivate_traveler_information_restrictions_for_travelers
- emergency_data_for_centers
- emergency_data_for_emergency_operations
- emergency_traveler_data_collected_for_personnel
- incident_information
- incident_information_for_broadcast
- incident_information_for_interactive
- incident_information_for_trip_planning
- incident_information_request_from_interactive
- wide_area_alert_notification_for_travelers
- disaster_transportation_system_status_for_traveler
- evacuation_data
- evacuation_transportation_system_status_for_traveler
- fotic-emergency_data
- traffic_incident_data
- transit_evacuation_data
- totic-emergency_data
- em_vehicle_traveler_response_alert
- em_center_traveler_response_alert
- fotic-vehicle_alert_data
- totic-vehicle_alert_data