Process Traffic Data
This process shall receive and process data from sensors at the roadway. This data includes sensor and video data coming from traffic sensors as well as inputs for pedestrians, multimodal crossings, parking facilities, highway rail intersections, high-occupancy vehicle (HOV) / high-occupancy toll (HOT) and reversible lanes. The process distributes data to Provide Device Control processes that are responsible for freeway, highway rail intersections, tunnels, parking lot, and surface street management. It also sends the data to another Provide Traffic Surveillance process for loading into the stores of current and long term data. Information about the various sensors to aid in this processing and distribution of data is accessed from the data store static_data_for_sensor_processing.
This process is associated with the Traffic Management Center physical object.
This process is associated with the following functional objects:
- TMC Basic Surveillance
- TMC Demand Management Coordination
- TMC Infrastructure Restriction Warning
- TMC Intersection Safety
- TMC Multi-Modal Coordination
- TMC Multimodal Crossing Management
- TMC Reversible Lane Management
- TMC Signal Control
- TMC Traffic Network Performance Evaluation
- TMC Wrong Way Vehicle Warning
This process is associated with the following data flows:
- traffic_surveillance_data
- traffic_video_image
- road_user_protection_data_for_traffic
- road_user_protection_video_for_traffic
- ramp_data
- hov_sensor_data
- hri_sensor_data
- multimodal_crossing_sensor_data
- parking_lot_input_data
- pedestrian_sensor_data
- reversible_lane_data
- roadway_maint_status_for_traffic
- strategy_data_for_highways
- strategy_data_for_roads
- traffic_sensor_data
- unusual_data
- traffic_sensor_output_data
- processed_traffic_data
- dynamic_lane_data
- strategy_data_for_dynamic_lane_management
- vehicle_characteristics_data
- traffic_data_from_passive_measurements
- infrastructure_sensor_data_for_traffic
- traffic_image_meta_data