Performance Measure

Average commute trip travel time (minutes).

Associated Objectives

Annual rate of change in regional average commute travel time will not exceed regional rate of population growth through the year Y.

Service Packages that Support the Performance Measure

TI06-Shared Use Mobility and Dynamic Ridesharing
CVO06-Freight Signal Priority
TI05-Integrated Multi-Modal Electronic Payment
TM04-Connected Vehicle Traffic Signal System
VS11-Oversize Vehicle Warning
VS12-Vulnerable Road User Safety
VS08-Queue Warning
VS10-Restricted Lane Warnings
VS09-Reduced Speed Zone Warning / Lane Closure
TM21-Speed Harmonization
PT09-Transit Signal Priority
TM10-Electronic Toll Collection
TI07-In-Vehicle Signage
TM03-Traffic Signal Control
TM05-Traffic Metering
ST06-HOV/HOT Lane Management
TM06-Traffic Information Dissemination
TM07-Regional Traffic Management
TM08-Traffic Incident Management System
TM09-Integrated Decision Support and Demand Management
TM15-Railroad Operations Coordination
TM16-Reversible Lane Management
TM18-Drawbridge Management
TM20-Variable Speed Limits
TM22-Dynamic Lane Management and Shoulder Use
PT02-Transit Fixed-Route Operations
PT14-Multi-modal Coordination
TI03-En-Route Guidance
TI04-Trip Planning and Payment
VS15-Infrastructure Enhanced Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control
VS17-Automated Vehicle Operations

Associated Goals

Improve the efficiency of the surface transportation system

Planning Factors

G. Promote efficient system management and operation;


Planning for Operations Desk Reference