
C2C: Center to Center
C2F: Center to Field
CA: Certificate Authority
CAA: Clean Air Act
CACC: Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control
CAD: Computer Aided Dispatch
CAMP: Crash Avoidance Metrics Partnership
CAN: Controller Area Network
CARTS: Capital Area Rural Transportation System
CAV: Connected (or Cooperative) Automated Vehicle
CBP: Customs and Border Protection
CC: Container Contents
CCMS: Cooperative ITS Credentials Management System
CCOD: Container/Chassis Operating Data
CCSDS: Consultive Committee for Space Data Systems
CCTV: Closed Circuit TV
CD: Compact Disc
CDMA: Code Division Multiple Access
CDOT: Colorado Department of Transportation
CD-ROM: CD Read Only Memory
CEFM: Columbus Electronic Freight Management
CFR: Code of Federal Regulations
CIA: Community Impact Assessment
CICAS: Cooperative Intersection Collision Avoidance Systems
C-ITS: Cooperative ITS
C-ITS: Cooperative Intelligent Transportation System
CLW: Control Loss Warning
CM: Configuration Management
CMAP: Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning
CMFs: Capability Maturity Frameworks
CMM: Capability Maturity Model
CMP: Congestion Management Process
CMS: Changeable Message Sign, Congestion Management System
CMV: Commercial Motor Vehicle
CO: Carbon Monoxide
CO2: Carbon Dioxide
COFC: Container on Flatcar
COGs: Council of Governments
CON OP: Concept of Operations
ConOps: Concept of Operations
COTS: Commercial Off the Shelf
CRCS: Connected Roadway Classification System
CRL: Certificate Revocation List
CSR: Certificate Signing Request
CSW: Curve Speed Warning
CTPP: Census Transportation Planning Products Program
CV: Connected Vehicle
CV: Commercial Vehicle
C-V2X: Connected Vehicle-to-everything or Cellular-Vehicle-to-everything
CVAC: Commercial Vehicle Administration Center
CVAS: Commercial Vehicle Administration Subsystem (legacy National ITS Architecture)
CVCE: Commercial Vehicle Check Equipment
CVCS: Commercial Vehicle Check Subsystem (legacy National ITS Architecture)
CVE: Connected Vehicle Environment
CVISN: Commercial Vehicle Information Systems and Networks
CVO: Commercial Vehicle Operators
CVO: Commercial Vehicle Operations
CVOBE-SP: Commercial Vehicle On-Board Equipment Service Provider
CVRIA: Connected Vehicle Reference Implementation Architecture
CVS: Commercial Vehicle Subsystem (legacy National ITS Architecture)