Physical Object: ITS Roadway Equipment

Roadway Work Zone Safety


'Roadway Work Zone Safety' includes field elements that detect vehicle intrusions in work zones and warns crew workers and drivers of imminent encroachment. Crew movements are also monitored so that the crew can be warned of movement beyond the designated safe zone.

This functional object is included in the "ITS Roadway Equipment" physical object.

This functional object is included in the following service packages:

This functional object is mapped to the following Functional View PSpecs:


# Requirement
01 The field element shall include work zone intrusion detection devices that detect when a vehicle has intruded upon the boundary of a work zone, under center control.
02 The field element shall include work zone intrusion detection devices that detect when crew workers have crossed the boundary between the work zone and vehicle traffic, under center control.
03 The field element shall include work zone intrusion alerting devices that alert crew workers of a work zone emergency or safety issue such as the intrusion of a vehicle into the work zone area or movement of field crew into the travel lanes or vehicles approaching at an unsafe speed.
04 The field element shall include work zone intrusion alerting devices that notify crew via maintenance vehicles of a work zone emergency or safety issue such as the intrusion of a vehicle into the work zone area or movement of field crew into the travel lanes.
05 The field element shall include work zone intrusion alerting devices that alert drivers that they have intruded upon the perimeter of the work zone, or are about to do so; may provide alerts to drivers directly or via in-vehicle signing.
06 The field element shall provide operational status for the work zone intrusion detection devices to the maintenance center.
07 The field element shall provide fault data for the work zone intrusion detection devices to the maintenance center for repair.
08 The field element shall provide operational status for the work zone intrusion alerting devices to the maintenance center.
09 The field element shall provide fault data for the work zone intrusion alerting devices to the maintenance center for repair.

Information Flows

Source Flow Destination
Connected Vehicle Roadside Equipment traffic situation data ITS Roadway Equipment
Connected Vehicle Roadside Equipment work zone warning notification ITS Roadway Equipment
Emergency Personnel personnel monitoring ITS Roadway Equipment
ITS Roadway Equipment driver information Commercial Vehicle Driver
ITS Roadway Equipment work zone warning notification Connected Vehicle Roadside Equipment
ITS Roadway Equipment driver information Driver
ITS Roadway Equipment driver information Emergency Personnel
ITS Roadway Equipment driver information Light Vehicle Driver
ITS Roadway Equipment work zone warning Maint and Constr Field Personnel
ITS Roadway Equipment traffic detector data Maint and Constr Management Center
ITS Roadway Equipment traffic image meta data Maint and Constr Management Center
ITS Roadway Equipment traffic images Maint and Constr Management Center
ITS Roadway Equipment work zone warning status Maint and Constr Management Center
ITS Roadway Equipment traffic detector data Maint and Constr Vehicle OBE
ITS Roadway Equipment traffic image meta data Maint and Constr Vehicle OBE
ITS Roadway Equipment traffic images Maint and Constr Vehicle OBE
ITS Roadway Equipment driver information Maint and Constr Vehicle Operator
ITS Roadway Equipment traffic detector data Traffic Management Center
ITS Roadway Equipment traffic image meta data Traffic Management Center
ITS Roadway Equipment traffic images Traffic Management Center
ITS Roadway Equipment driver information Transit Vehicle Operator
Maint and Constr Field Personnel personnel monitoring ITS Roadway Equipment
Maint and Constr Management Center traffic detector control ITS Roadway Equipment
Maint and Constr Management Center video surveillance control ITS Roadway Equipment
Maint and Constr Management Center work zone warning device control ITS Roadway Equipment
Maint and Constr Vehicle OBE traffic detector control ITS Roadway Equipment
Maint and Constr Vehicle OBE video surveillance control ITS Roadway Equipment
Traffic Management Center traffic detector control ITS Roadway Equipment
Traffic Management Center video surveillance control ITS Roadway Equipment
Vehicle Characteristics vehicle characteristics ITS Roadway Equipment


Currently, there are no standards associated with the functional object itself though the interfaces may have standards associated with them.