Performance Measure

Mean time for needed responders to arrive on-scene after notification.

Associated Objectives

Reduce mean time for needed responders to arrive on-scene after notification by X percent over Y years.

Service Packages that Support the Performance Measure

PS04-Mayday Notification
PS03-Emergency Vehicle Preemption
VS04-Special Vehicle Alert
PS02-Emergency Response
TM08-Traffic Incident Management System
CVO12-HAZMAT Management
PS01-Emergency Call-Taking and Dispatch
PS08-Roadway Service Patrols

Associated Goals

Achieve a significant reduction in traffic fatalities and serious injuries on all public roads
Improve the security of the transportation system

Planning Factors

B. Increase the safety of the transportation system for motorized and nonmotorized users;
C. Increase the security of the transportation system for motorized and nonmotorized users;


Planning for Operations Desk Reference