Performance Measure

Percent of intersections operating at LOS F or V/C > 1.0

Associated Objectives

Reduce the share of major intersections operating at LOS Z by X percent by year Y.

Service Packages that Support the Performance Measure

VS14-Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control
TM04-Connected Vehicle Traffic Signal System
TM03-Traffic Signal Control
TM06-Traffic Information Dissemination
TM07-Regional Traffic Management
TM09-Integrated Decision Support and Demand Management
TM15-Railroad Operations Coordination
TM16-Reversible Lane Management
TM20-Variable Speed Limits
TM22-Dynamic Lane Management and Shoulder Use
VS15-Infrastructure Enhanced Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control
VS17-Automated Vehicle Operations

Associated Goals

Improve the efficiency of the surface transportation system

Planning Factors

G. Promote efficient system management and operation;


Planning for Operations Desk Reference