Alternate Mode Transportation Center --> Archived Data System:
multimodal archive data


multimodal archive data (Information Flow): Operational information from alternate passenger transportation modes including air, rail transit, taxis, and ferries. Content may include a catalog of available information, the actual information to be archived, and associated meta data that describes the archived information.

Alternate Mode Transportation Center (Source Physical Object): The 'Alternate Mode Transportation Center' provides the interface through which non-ITS transportation systems (e.g., airlines, ferry services, passenger-carrying heavy rail) can exchange data with ITS. This two-way interface enables coordination for efficient movement of people across multiple transportation modes. It also enables the traveler to efficiently plan itineraries which include segments using other modes.

Archived Data System (Destination Physical Object): The 'Archived Data System' collects, archives, manages, and distributes data generated from ITS sources for use in transportation administration, policy evaluation, safety, planning, performance monitoring, program assessment, operations, and research applications. The data received is formatted and tagged with attributes that define the data source, conditions under which it was collected, data transformations, and other information (i.e. meta data) necessary to interpret the data. The archive can fuse ITS generated data with data from non-ITS sources and other archives to generate information products utilizing data from multiple functional areas, modes, and jurisdictions. The archive prepares data products that can serve as inputs to federal, state, and local data reporting systems. The 'Archived Data System' may reside within an operational center and provide focused access to a particular agency's data archives. Alternatively, it may operate as a distinct center that collects data from multiple agencies and sources and provides a general data warehouse service.

Included In

This Triple is in the following Service Packages:

This triple is associated with the following Functional Objects:

This Triple is described by the following Functional View Data Flows:

This Triple has the following triple relationships:

Communication Solutions

Solutions are sorted in ascending Gap Severity order. The Gap Severity is the parenthetical number at the end of the solution.

Selected Solution

US: ADMS - Secure Internet (ITS)

Solution Description

This solution is used within Canada and the U.S.. It combines standards associated with US: ADMS with those for I-I: Secure Internet (ITS). The US: ADMS standards include upper-layer standards required to implement interfaces with an archived data management system. The I-I: Secure Internet (ITS) standards include lower-layer standards that support secure communications between ITS equipment using X.509 or IEEE 1609.2 security certificates.

ITS Application Entity
Mind the gapMind the gap
Click gap icons for more info.

Mind the gap

Development needed
Mind the gapMind the gap

Internet Subnet Alternatives
TransNet TransNet

TempBCL2 TempSTDL2

TempBCL3 TempSTDL3

TempBCL4 TempSTDL4

TempBCL5 TempSTDL5

Access Access

TempBCL2 TempSTDL2

TempBCL3 TempSTDL3

TempBCL4 TempSTDL4

TempBCL5 TempSTDL5

ITS Application ITS Application

TempBCL2 TempSTDL2

TempBCL3 TempSTDL3

TempBCL4 TempSTDL4

TempBCL5 TempSTDL5

Mgmt Mgmt

TempBCL2 TempSTDL2

TempBCL3 TempSTDL3

TempBCL4 TempSTDL4

TempBCL5 TempSTDL5

Facility Facility

TempBCL2 TempSTDL2

TempBCL3 TempSTDL3

TempBCL4 TempSTDL4

TempBCL5 TempSTDL5

Security Security

TempBCL2 TempSTDL2

TempBCL3 TempSTDL3

TempBCL4 TempSTDL4

TempBCL5 TempSTDL5

Note that some layers might have alternatives, in which case all of the gap icons associated with every alternative may be shown on the diagram, but the solution severity calculations (and resulting ordering of solutions) includes only the issues associated with the default (i.e., best, least severe) alternative.


Characteristic Value
Time Context Historical
Spatial Context Regional
Acknowledgement True
Cardinality Unicast
Initiator Destination
Authenticable True
Encrypt True

Interoperability Description
National This triple should be implemented consistently within the geopolitical region through which movement is essentially free (e.g., the United States, the European Union).


Information Flow Security
  Confidentiality Integrity Availability
Rating Moderate Moderate Low
Basis While this flow should not include any PII, as any PII in the underlying data should be stripped prior to being sent to an archive, this is not guaranteed. Even if PII is all removed prior, this flow is very large in scope and its compromise to unintended recipients may enable large scale data analysis that compromises personal information through circumstantial, aggregative or other combinatorial analysis. May include performance information that needs to be timely and correct so that errors may be identified and corrected. Large in scope so any errors effects may be magnified. Not a real time service, so intermittent availability should suffice.

Security Characteristics Value
Authenticable True
Encrypt True