Provide Pedestrian Personal Interface
This process shall provide an interface in a personal device through which pedestrians can receive safety information, plan and confirm trips, request right-of-way at intersections, as well as obtain current traffic and transit information via request or traveler information alerts. The process shall provide pedestrian safety information to pedestrians approaching a crosswalk or intersection. This process shall include forms suitable for travelers with hearing and vision physical disabilities. The process shall display data for as long as required by the traveler and must enable viewing of previously output data. When used with a portable device, the process shall provide the traveler the option to filter the data (to be displayed) relevant to the travelers current location.
This process is associated with the Personal Information Device physical object.
This process is associated with the following functional objects:
This process is associated with the following data flows:
- intersection_personal_warning
- tp-pedestrian_turning_vehicle_warning
- tp-pedestrian_intersection_warning
- fp-pedestrian_request
- tp-pedestrian_crossing_status
- pedestrian_request_for_roadside
- roadside_pedestrian_signal_service_status
- arriving_train_information_for_mobile_devices
- rail_crossing_warning_for_mobile_devices
- fc-cyclist_request
- tc-crossing_status
- tc-intersection_warning
- tc-turning_vehicle_warning