4.4.1: Provide Transit Security and Emergency Management
This process shall manage security in the transit system by monitoring for potential incidents. Data shall be obtained by the process from on-board transit vehicles and from the transit system operator. Emergencies on-board a transit vehicle may be reported by either the transit vehicle operator or a traveler, the latter through interfaces such as panic buttons, alarm switches, etc. This process shall analyze the transit incident data for any potential security problems and pass the results to the transit system operator for review and a recommended action. This process shall then perform the recommended security action, including broadcasting a message to the traveler, acknowledging receipt of the emergency call, notifying other agencies, etc. Information about security problems and emergencies detected within the transit system shall be formatted, using parameters set up by the transit system operator, for output to the Media and other information systems. Incident data shall be sent to the Manage Emergency Services function, the Provide Driver and Traveler Services function, and to other processes within the Manage Transit function to coordinate transit incident response among multiple agencies and for archival purposes. This process coordinates disaster and evacuation plans and response with the Emergency Services function and receives threat information, infrastructure integrity status, and wide area alerts from the Emergency Services function. In addition, this process receives the command from the transit system operator to remotely disable (or reset the disabling of) a transit vehicle in service, and sends this command on to another process that actually performs the disabling (or reset).
This process is associated with the Transit Management Center physical object.
This process is associated with the following functional objects:
This process is associated with the following data flows:
- faas-alerts_and_advisories_for_transit
- on_board_traveler_alarm_response_from_transit
- secure_transit_vehicle_broadcast_message
- tm-transit_emergency_information
- tm-transit_incident_information
- transit_emergency_response_plan_from_personnel
- transit_emergency_response_plan_to_personnel
- transit_evacuation_status
- transit_incident_data
- transit_operator_emergency_request
- transit_operator_request_acknowledge
- transit_vehicle_disable_acknowledge
- transit_vehicle_disable_acknowledge_to_operator
- traveler_secure_area_broadcast_message
- available_transit_operators
- available_transit_vehicles
- alert_notification_status_from_transit
- deactivate_traveler_information_restrictions_for_transit
- disaster_response_plan_coordination_from_transit
- disaster_response_plan_coordination_to_transit
- disaster_transportation_system_status_for_transit
- emergency_data_for_transit
- emergency_transit_fares
- emergency_transit_route
- emergency_transit_schedule
- emergency_transit_schedule_information_for_traffic
- evacuation_information_for_transit_management
- evacuation_plan_coordination_from_transit
- evacuation_plan_coordination_to_transit
- evacuation_transit_schedule_information_for_traffic
- evacuation_transportation_system_status_for_transit
- remote_transit_vehicle_disable
- request_for_emergency_transit_support
- response_for_emergency_transit_support
- infrastructure_integrity_status_for_transit
- secure_transit_vehicle_alarm_acknowledge_for_transit
- secure_transit_vehicle_alarm_request_for_transit
- secure_transit_vehicle_emergency_information
- threat_info_for_transit
- transit_emergency_data
- transit_emergency_data_for_archive
- transit_evacuation_resource_request
- transit_incident_details
- transit_incident_info_for_archive
- transit_incident_information
- transit_media_interface_parameters
- transit_operator_incident_information
- transit_operator_security_action
- transit_preplanned_responses_for_archive
- transit_schedule_information_during_emergencies
- transit_schedule_information_during_evacuation
- transit_system_status
- transit_traveler_wide_area_alert_info
- transit_vehicle_disable_from_operator
- transit_vehicle_disable_reset
- transit_vehicle_location_for_security
- transit_vehicle_off_route_indication
- transit_vehicle_operator_wide_area_alerts
- transit_wide_area_alert_info
- traveler_information_restrictions_for_transit
- wide_area_alert_notification_for_transit
- wide_area_alert_notification_status
- wide_area_alert_notification_within_transit
- transit_evacuation_data
- traveler_roadside_transit_alarm