Provide Traffic Operations Personnel Incident Interface
This process shall provide the interface between the traffic operations personnel and the Manage Incidents facility of the Manage Traffic function. It shall enable the personnel to request and amend details of current incidents, planned events, wide area alerts, and predetermined incident responses. The process shall provide an interface to a decision support process that identifies the potential regional impact of recommended courses of action to traffic operations personnel, and shall accept control parameters from personnel. This process shall allow personnel to manually reclassify incidents as possible or current or a planned event. It shall also output to the traffic operations personnel incident details to which no predetermined response currently exists. The process shall support inputs from and outputs to the traffic operations personnel. Where appropriate and/or requested by the traffic operations personnel, the process shall provide the output 'display' in a form incorporating a map of the relevant part(s) of the freeways, surface street and rural roadways served by the function. The process shall obtain the map from a local data store, which it shall request to be updated by another process as and when required. This process shall also receive advisory data from outside of ITS via the Alerting and Advisory Systems terminator. Advisories may cause the response plans to be established and activated based on the type or timing of the advisory. The process shall also provide the interface between traffic operations personnel and the Manage Emergency Vehicles facility in order to dispatch service patrol vehicles to incidents on the roadway.
This process is associated with the Traffic Management Center physical object.
This process is associated with the following functional objects:
- TMC Basic Surveillance
- TMC Dynamic Lane Management and Shoulder Use
- TMC Incident Detection
- TMC Incident Dispatch Coordination
- TMC Restricted Lanes CV Application
- TMC Reversible Lane Management
- TMC Service Patrol Management
- TMC Traffic Information Dissemination
- TMC Traffic Management Decision Support
- TMC Wrong Way Vehicle Warning
This process is associated with the following data flows:
- defined_incident_response_data_request
- faas-alerts_and_advisories_for_traffic
- ftop-alert_notification_status
- ftop-defined_incident_response_data_request
- ftop-defined_incident_response_data_update
- ftop-incident_camera_action_request
- ftop-incident_data_amendment
- ftop-incident_information_requests
- ftop-output_possible_defined_responses
- ftop-request_possible_incidents_data
- ftop-resource_request
- ftop-roadway_incident_input
- ftop-update_defined_incident_responses
- reclassify_incidents
- request_incident_operations_data
- traffic_operations_resource_request
- traffic_operations_resource_response
- traveler_information_restrictions_for_traffic
- ttop-deactivate_information_restrictions
- ttop-defined_incident_responses_data
- ttop-incident_information_display
- ttop-incident_video_image_output
- ttop-possible_defined_response_output
- ttop-possible_incidents_data
- ttop-resource_response
- ttop-roadway_incident_status
- ttop-traveler_information_restrictions
- ttop-undefined_response_details
- ttop-wide_area_alert_notification
- ttop-wrong_way_detection
- incident_video_image_control_by_traffic_operator
- incident_video_image_for_traffic_operator
- ttop-video_device_status
- decision_support_parameters
- ftop-decision_support_parameters
- alert_notification_status_from_traffic
- deactivate_traveler_information_restrictions_for_traffic
- defined_incident_response_data
- defined_incident_response_update_request
- defined_incident_response_updates
- operations_incident_data_updates
- possible_defined_responses_output
- possible_defined_responses_output_request
- retrieved_incident_operations_data
- roadway_info_alert_data
- undefined_incident_response
- wide_area_alert_notification_for_traffic
- wrong_way_vehicle
- video_device_status_for_traffic_operator
- taas-threat_info_from_traffic