2.1.1: Manage Commercial Vehicle Fleet

This page shows the collection of processes that make up the Manage Commercial Vehicle Fleet facility within the manage Commercial Vehicles function. These processes enable commercial vehicle fleet managers to plan commercial vehicle routes taking into account the needs of this type of vehicle, as well as the electronic credential and tax filing needed to use the route. They provide additional capabilities to normal fleet management functions to enhance commercial vehicle security and optimize routing for short-haul or drayage operations in order to maximize the number of trips a carrier and vehicle can make and minimize the number of empty loads.

There are seven processes defined as Process Specifications (PSpecs) in this collection:

1. Manage Commercial Fleet Electronic Credentials and Tax Filing (
2. Manage Commercial Vehicle Routes (
3. Provide Commercial Fleet Static Route (
4. Provide HAZMAT Incident Support (
5. Manage Commercial Vehicle Fleet Map Data (
6. Monitor Commercial Vehicle Route (
7. Monitor Assignment Identities (
8. Monitor Driver Log Data (