9.2.1: Schedule M&C Activities
This process shall generate new maintenance, construction, and work zone activity schedules for use by maintenance and construction vehicles, maintenance and construction operators, and for information coordination purposes with other ITS functions. This process shall also schedule assets for use in maintenance activities and work zone activities. The process shall use parameters and input data set up by the maintenance center personnel, roadway network information, data gathered from the roadway, data input from the maintenance vehicle fleet management, and knowledge of assets within the infrastructure. The process shall also respond to requests from the Determine M&C Needs function. The process shall send its output to other functions in the Manage Maintenance and Construction function for archival, fleet dispatch and routing, and coordination of work plans with other agencies. When necessary, this process shall request priority to be given to one or more maintenance and construction vehicles in the network served by the Manage Traffic function.
This process is associated with the Maint and Constr Management Center physical object.
This process is associated with the following functional objects:
- MCM Field Equipment Maintenance
- MCM Priority Management
- MCM Roadway Maintenance
- MCM Winter Maintenance Management
- MCM Work Activity Coordination
- MCM Work Zone Management
This process is associated with the following data flows:
- fam-asset_restrictions
- fleet_activity_schedule
- fmcas-m_and_c_administrative_information
- fmcas-m_and_c_personnel_information
- fmcas-m_and_c_regulations
- fomcm-m_and_c_plan_feedback
- fro-m_and_c_plan_feedback_from_rail
- fro-railroad_schedules
- request_for_m_and_c_schedule
- tmcas-m_and_c_administrative_request
- tomcm-m_and_c_plan_feedback
- tomcm-m_and_c_work_plans
- tro-m_and_c_work_plans_for_rail
- tro-railroad_schedule_feedback
- work_zone_activity_plan
- auto_treatment_system_control
- auto_treatment_system_status
- env_info_for_scheduling
- resource_needs_from_scheduler
- fomcm-m_and_c_work_plans
- m_and_c_activity_schedule_for_archive
- m_and_c_activity_status_for_scheduler
- m_and_c_plan_feedback_from_emerg
- m_and_c_plan_feedback_from_traffic
- m_and_c_plan_feedback_from_transit
- m_and_c_resource_status_for_needs
- m_and_c_resources_avail_to_scheduler
- m_and_c_roadway_needs_to_scheduler
- m_and_c_view_of_road_network_for_scheduler
- m_and_c_winter_needs_to_scheduler
- m_and_c_work_plans_for_emerg
- m_and_c_work_plans_for_info_provider
- m_and_c_work_plans_for_traffic
- m_and_c_work_plans_for_transit
- roadway_detours_and_closures_for_m_and_c
- scheduled_work_plan
- scheduled_work_plan_for_personnel
- tm-m_and_c_work_plans_for_media
- tamtc-m_and_c_work_plans_for_mtsp
- vehicle_fleet_status_for_scheduler
- m_and_c_field_equip_needs_to_scheduler
- m_and_c_highway_priority_request
- m_and_c_ramp_priority_request
- m_and_c_signal_priority_request
- m_and_c_highway_priority_given
- m_and_c_ramp_priority_given
- m_and_c_road_overall_priority
- transit_system_maintenance_plans_for_m_and_c