9.1.1: Manage M&C Systems On-Board

This process shall use on-board vehicle sensors to monitor roadway infrastructure conditions (e.g. pavement cracks) and vehicle operational functions, including operating status (e.g. materials stored, materials usage, plow blade up/down etc.). It shall receive control information from the vehicle operator. It shall also receive control information from the Manage M&C Vehicle Fleet and the Manage Work Zones function to allow remote operation of the on-board vehicle systems. These systems shall include winter maintenance equipment for plowing, treating, and anti-icing, and routine maintenance equipment for cutting, repairs, hazard removal, etc. This process shall communicate status information to other maintenance, construction, or specialized service vehicles. When necessary, this process shall request priority to be given to one or more maintenance and construction vehicles in the network served by the Manage Traffic function.

This process is associated with the Maint and Constr Vehicle OBE physical object.

This process is associated with the following functional objects:

This process is associated with the following data flows: