1.5.7: Manage Emissions and Pollution Reference Data Stores
This process shall manage the store of pollution and emissions reference data within the Manage Emissions facility of the Manage Traffic function. It shall make the contents of the store available to other processes within the facility that are responsible for emissions management, and on request to the emissions operations personnel interface process. The process shall accept updates to the stored data from the emissions operations personnel interface process.
This process is associated with the Emissions Management Center physical object.
This process is associated with the following functional objects:
This process is associated with the following data flows:
- emissions_reference_data_archive_request
- emissions_reference_data_request
- emissions_reference_data_update
- pollution_reference_data_archive_request
- pollution_reference_data_request
- pollution_reference_data_update
- emissions_reference_data_output
- archive_emissions_reference_data
- archive_pollution_reference_data
- pollution_reference_data_output
- pollution_state_static_acceptance_criteria
- vehicle_emissions_state_acceptance_criteria
- roadside_emissions_state_acceptance_criteria