1.5.1: Provide Emissions Operations Personnel Interface
This process shall provide the interface between the emissions operations personnel and the processes and data stores used within the Manage Emissions facility of the Manage Traffic function. The process shall enable the personnel to access and update the pollution and emissions reference data used by other processes within the facility, and to access the pollution and emissions state data provided by those processes. The process shall support inputs from the emissions operations personnel. The process shall support requests by personnel to control pollution and emissions sensors, and operational status of those sensors shall be returned to the personnel. Where appropriate and/or requested by the emissions operations personnel, the process shall incorporate map data of the relevant part(s) of the freeways, surface street and rural roadways served by the Manage Traffic function. The process shall obtain the map from a local data store, which it shall request to be updated by another process as and when required.
This process is associated with the Emissions Management Center physical object.
This process is associated with the following functional objects:
This process is associated with the following data flows:
- emissions_reference_data_request
- emissions_reference_data_update
- emissions_state_data_output_request
- femo-emissions_and_pollution_data_information_request
- femo-emissions_and_pollution_parameter_updates
- pollution_reference_data_request
- pollution_reference_data_update
- pollution_state_data_output_request
- temo-pollution_data_display
- temo-vehicle_emissions_data
- emissions_reference_data_output
- emissions_state_data_output
- fws-current_weather_observations
- fws-weather_forecasts
- pollution_reference_data_output
- pollution_sensor_control_parameters
- pollution_sensor_status_for_operator
- pollution_state_data_output
- vehicle_emissions_sensor_control_parameters
- vehicle_emissions_sensor_status_for_operator
- roadside_emissions_data_collection_parameters
- roadside_emissions_data_collection_operator_status
- emissions_zone_coordination_from_traffic
- emissions_zone_status
- emissions_zone_coordination_from_transit
- emissions_zone_coordination_for_traffic_demand
- emissions_zone_application_config_for_roadside
- emissions_zone_coordination_for_transit
- emissions_zone_coordination_for_payment
- emissions_zone_coordination_from_payment
- emissions_zone_incentives_coordination
- emissions_management_corridor_operational_strategies