4.5.7: Provide Transit Vehicle Operator Information Store Interface
This process shall provide the read and write interface to the store of transit vehicle operator information. The interface enables the contents of the store to be updated with inputs received from directly from the transit vehicle operator and from the transit operations personnel via another process, as well as, inputs resulting from analysis of transit vehicle operator availability, cost effectiveness, eligibility, and performance carried out by other processes. This process shall provide the interface through which the transit vehicle operator can input data to the store of transit vehicle operator information. The interface provided by this process shall enable the transit vehicle operator to update personal availability and route assignment information. The process shall also supply data to these processes when the store is updated with information from the transit vehicle operator and transit system operator. It shall also supply data to the process that generates operator route assignments when any of the analysis inputs is received.
This process is associated with the Transit Management Center physical object.
This process is associated with the following functional objects:
- Transit Center Fixed-Route Operations
- Transit Center Operator Assignment
- Transit Center Paratransit Operations
This process is associated with the following data flows:
- ftvo-information_updates
- transit_vehicle_operator_availability
- transit_vehicle_operator_availability_considerations
- transit_vehicle_operator_cost_effectiveness
- transit_vehicle_operator_cost_effectiveness_considerations
- transit_vehicle_operator_eligibility
- transit_vehicle_operator_eligibility_considerations
- transit_vehicle_operator_performance
- transit_vehicle_operator_performance_considerations
- transit_vehicle_operator_route_assignment_considerations
- transit_route_assign_for_archive
- transit_vehicle_operator_consideration_updates
- transit_vehicle_operator_data_for_archive
- transit_vehicle_operator_information_output
- transit_vehicle_operator_information_output_request