Analyze Threats
This process shall analyze, correlate, and evaluate for potential security threats data collected from a variety of sources. One source of data input to this process shall be sensor and surveillance data collected in secure areas, including those frequented by travelers (transit stops, rest areas, park and ride lots, modal interchange facilities, on-board transit vehicles, etc.), and those typically away from travelers (tunnels, bridges, roadway infrastructure, etc.). Threat analysis will also be based on threat support data received from Alerting and Advisory systems, other emergency centers, and from another process in Manage Emergency Services that evaluates alerts and advisories from multiple sources. Parameters to guide the analysis shall be input from another process that interfaces with center personnel. Detected threats based on the threat analysis will be sent to other processes for evaluation as a potential incident, for dissemination to other transportation centers, and for output to center personnel. More detailed threat analysis results shall be sent to Alerting and Advisory Systems and to other emergency centers for further analysis. Sensor, surveillance, and threat analysis results shall be sent to another process for archival.
This process is associated with the Emergency Management Center physical object.
This process is associated with the following functional objects:
This process is associated with the following data flows:
- faas-alerts_and_advisories_for_threat_analysis
- faas-threat_support_data
- foem-threat_analysis_results
- taas-threat_data_for_analysis
- threat_analysis_parameters
- toem-threat_analysis_results
- alerts_and_advisories_for_threat_analysis
- sensor_data_for_archive
- sensor_threat_data_for_analysis
- surveillance_data_for_archive
- surveillance_threat_data_for_analysis
- threat_data_for_archive
- threat_detected
- threat_info_to_operator
- threat_information_for_dissemination