2.5.6: Output Commercial Vehicle Enrollment Data to Roadside Facilities
This process shall be responsible for providing credentials, safety and border clearance assessment data to commercial vehicle roadside checkstation and border crossing facilities. This data shall be output by the process periodically (e.g. daily) from an interrogation of the stores of safety history and credentials, and sent to the roadside facilities served by the local Manage Commercial Vehicles function. The process shall also provide selected credentials and safety data on request from the commercial vehicle inspectors at particular roadside checkstation facilities.
This process is associated with the Commercial Vehicle Administration Center physical object.
This process is associated with the following functional objects:
This process is associated with the following data flows:
- cvo_citation_info
- cvo_credential_status
- cvo_credentials_status
- cvo_database_info_request
- cvo_safety_status
- cvo_inspection_configuration
- cv_roadside_inspection_configuration
- cv_roadside_inspection_control
- cv_border_database_update
- cv_credentials_database_update
- cv_credentials_information_response
- cv_safety_database_update
- cv_safety_information_response
- cvo_accident_report
- cvo_border_agency_clearance_results
- cvo_credentials_info
- cvo_database_info
- cvo_driver_record_to_roadside
- cvo_transportation_border_clearance
- cv_carrier_participation_report_to_roadside
- cv_roadside_permit_information
- cv_data_message
- driver_log_access_request_for_admin
- cvo_driver_log_from_admin