
This data flow is sent from the Provide Driver and Traveler Services function and contains information and guidance data requested by the traveler. The output may be in audio or visual form, with the latter being available in a variety of formats depending on the device being used by the traveler, e.g. personal device, kiosk, home computer, etc. It is therefore possible for the visual output to appear on a variety of different types of displays, or hardcopy (paper) output. The data flow consists of the following data items each of which is defined in its own DDE:

+ tt-emergency_message
+ tt-extra_trip_data_request
+ tt-guidance
+ tt-guidance_input_request
+ tt-guidance_map_update_response
+ tt-guidance_route_details
+ tt-other_services_roadside_confirmed
+ tt-other_services_vehicle_confirmed
+ tt-personal_extra_trip_data_request
+ tt-personal_trip_planning_responses
+ tt-remote_emergency_response
+ tt-roadside_access_message
+ tt-roadside_payment_confirmed
+ tt-secure_area_broadcast_message
+ tt-secure_transit_vehicle_broadcast_message
+ tt-secure_transit_vehicle_emergency_response
+ tt-transit_information
+ tt-transit_vehicle_information
+ tt-traveler_information
+ tt-personal_traveler_information
+ tt-remote_traveler_information
+ tt-trip_planning_responses
+ tt-vehicle_access_message
+ tt-vehicle_payment_confirmed
+ tt-personal_alert_message
+ tt-stolen_vehicle_updates
+ tt-vulnerability_update

Sub Data Flows

Parent Data Flows

Associated PSpecs/Terminators