US: MDS - Secure Internet (ITS)
This solution is used within Canada and the U.S.. It combines standards associated with US: MDS with those for I-I: Secure Internet (ITS). The US: MDS standards include The Mobility Data Specification is a digital tool that helps cities to better manage transportation in the public right of way. MDS standardizes communication and data-sharing between cities and private mobility providers, such as e-scooter and bike share companies. This allows cities to share and validate policy digitally, enabling vehicle management and better outcomes for residents. Plus, it provides mobility service providers with a framework they can re-use in new markets, allowing for seamless collaboration that saves time and money.. The I-I: Secure Internet (ITS) standards include lower-layer standards that support secure communications between ITS equipment using X.509 or IEEE 1609.2 security certificates.Relevant Regions:
- Canada
- United States
Comm Profile: I-I: Secure Internet (ITS)
Comm Class: WAN - Wide Area Network
Standards in Profile:
Level | Standard |
Access | Internet Subnet Alternatives |
Mgmt | Bundle: SNMPv3 MIB |
Security | Secure Session Alternatives |
TransNet | Internet Transport Alternatives |
TransNet | IP Alternatives |
Data Profile: US: MDS
Standards in Profile:
Level | Standard |
Facilities | IETF RFC 7159 JSON |
Facilities | IETF RFC 9110 HTTP Semantics |
Facilities | IETF RFC 9112 HTTP/1.1 |
ITS Application Entity | OMF Mobility Data Specification |
Solution Issues Severity: 6
The severity issue score calculation only includes issues associated with standards that are included by default.
Solution Issues:
Default | Severity | Name | Type | Description |
True | Medium | Not a standard | Standardization Gap | The document may be publicly available but it is not currently available as a formal standard and details may change prior to adoption as a standard. |
True | Medium | Outdated security reference | Security Gap | The standard solution includes an outdated security reference. |
False | Medium | Option not standardized | Standardization Gap | The option set includes at least one option that is not (yet) defined in a standard. |
False | Medium | Uncertainty about trust revocation mechanism | Security Gap | The mechanisms used to prevent bad actors from sending authorized messages is unproven. |
Solution to Triples
This solution is used on the following information flow triples: