Objective Category
Safety: Worker Safety

The objectives in this category focus on improving the safety of personnel in work zones and other areas where they are at risk.

Associated Objectives and Performance Measures

Objective Performance Measure
Safeguard public safety personnel while they are at roadway incidents and emergencies Number of public safety personnel struck by vehicle at incident/emergency site
Safeguard public safety personnel while they are at roadway incidents and emergencies Number of public safety vehicles struck at incident/emergency site
Enhance safety of workers Number of crashes and fatalities in work zones
Enhance safety of workers Number of workers injured by vehicles in work zones

Associated Planning Factors and Goals

Planning Factor Goal
B. Increase the safety of the transportation system for motorized and nonmotorized users; Achieve a significant reduction in traffic fatalities and serious injuries on all public roads

Associated Service Packages

Service Package
MC07: Work Zone Safety Monitoring
PS05: Vehicle Emergency Response
PS07: Incident Scene Safety Monitoring
ST04: Roadside Lighting


Minnesota Statewide ITS Architecture Vol 1

Since the mapping between objectives and service packages is not always straight-forward and often situation-dependent, these mappings should only be used as a starting point. Users should do their own analysis to identify the best service packages for their region.